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Inicio :: FAQ :: Pagan los niños pequeños
  • Fecha / hora: 2015-01-18 22:29:30Nombre: Javier

    Hola, Para el trayecto Praga-Viena en tren, ¿qué tipo de billete tendría que comprar para un niño de 4 años y otro de 1?. Gracias

    For the Prague-Vienna trip (train), and for children of 4 and 1 years old, do we have to buy tickets for them? Thanks


    • Fecha / hora: 2015-01-19 13:46:29Nombre: Lucie

      Dear Javier,

      thank you for contacting us.

      If you want to reserve seats for them, you need to buy the ticket for Austrian part of the journey (children discount). In Czech republic children under 6 years of travel for free.

      If you don't need the seat for them, they can travel for free.

      Kind regards
