
Si vous souhaitez recevoir une notification lorsque votre date de voyage s'ouvre pour la réservation, n'hésitez pas à utiliser notre formulaire de demande.

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  • Date / heure: 2015-03-24 16:42:49Nom: Andrea


    I would know the cancellation terms for a trip from prague to budapest in 17 April (whole reimbursement? when we can cancel to have a whole rei;bursement…)

    Thank you for your answer



    • Date / heure: 2015-03-24 17:44:50Nom: Pavla

      Dear Andrea, train e-tickets cannot be cancelled. Train paper tickets can be cancelled with 80% refund. Bus tickets are cancelled with 75% refund. Kind regards Pavla


      • Date / heure: 2016-12-26 13:04:14Nom: Bonard

        Hello, How can I do to get the refund when I missed the bus ? Thanks


        • Date / heure: 2016-12-26 18:15:26Nom: Pavla Janoušková

          Dear Mr. Bonard, thank you for contacting us. All our partner bus carriers refuse to refund customers who do not to appear in time at the bus station. The ticket expires in such a case with no refund. Kind regards Pavla
