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Home :: Buses :: Bus stops :: Budapest Szent Gellért-templom :: bratrislava to Budapest
  • Date / time: 2016-12-26 08:06:25Name: Ian

    Hi, May I know where to buy ticket from Bratislava to Budapest, how much for an adult ticket and how may hours is the journey?


    • Date / time: 2016-12-26 09:44:43Name: Pavla Janoušková

      Dear Ian, thank you for contacting us. Information about BUSES: https://czech-transport.com/in­dex.php?… The price is 10 EUR, the duration is 3 hours. There are also paper train tickets: https://czech-transport.com/in­dex.php?…. We sell mainly online. Feel free to use our booking form. Kind regards Pavla


      • Date / time: 2016-12-27 05:03:10Name: Ian

        Hi, Can we buy the tickets at the bus station?And Where is the station?


        • Date / time: 2016-12-27 08:26:55Name: Pavla Janoušková

          Hello again, the station is here: https://czech-transport.com/in­dex.php?…. You can buy the ticket at the station or from a driver, but only if there are free seats. The prices on our website are the same as from the bus station. I would recommend to buy in advance – these buses are popular. Kind regards Pavla
