
Si vous souhaitez recevoir une notification lorsque votre date de voyage s'ouvre pour la réservation, n'hésitez pas à utiliser notre formulaire de demande.

Accueil :: Lignes de bus :: Prague ⇔ Hambourg :: No mail of confirmation
  • Date / heure: 2012-07-20 23:35:26Nom: Guillot Marie-Gabrielle

    Hello, I just reserved and paid a bus travel from Prag to Hamburg on Wed. 2012/07/25 but I receive no confirmation and no receipt from your company. I leave home tomorrow in the morning and I will have no access to Internet untill the day of my travel to Hamburg, so what shall I do??? My name is Guillot Marie-Gabrielle, my mail adress is mariegabrielle­fr@yahoo.fr Hope I'll get an answer from you as soon as possible, Thank you!
