
Если вы хотите получить уведомление об открытии продажи билетов, пож-та отправьте нам заявку и укажите вашу дату поездки, через форму ниже.

Главная :: :: Ticket
  • Дата / время: 2018-05-08 17:07:02Имя: Liudmila korchevnaya

    I would like to pay half befor trip and half after the trip , or everything befor . Ist possible ? Because to me coming my family member in your trip and I what pay for the ticket by myself . And next question : When and how shud I pay ? Thanks


    • Дата / время: 2018-05-09 13:21:56Имя: Nadya Jerosenkova


      thank you for contacting us.

      We already sent you our answer and I am so sorry, but all our cars for this day is already not available, so we will not able to provide your request…

      Best regards
