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Accueil :: Prague transports :: Métro :: Post bag
  • Date / heure: 2019-12-28 12:56:58Nom: L'Huillier

    Good morning Yesterday coming from France I have lost my black backpack at about 6 pm into the metro A station Mustek. Inside there is a mobile phone a small computer a reading light a camera a French guide about Prague glasses and a book. I give you the phone number of my wife if somebody gives it to you or if you have found it. We are on holidays for 1 week. Thanks a lot. Benoit L'Huillier +33 6 26 03 19 96


    • Date / heure: 2019-12-28 20:13:41Nom: Nadya Jerosenkova


      thank you for contacting us.

      We recommend contacting the public transport office in Prague, more info here

      Best regards
