
Si desea recibir una notificación una vez que la fecha de viaje planificada esté abierta para la reserva, use nuestro Formulario de solicitud de disponibilidad de viaje.

Inicio :: tickect bought
  • Fecha / hora: 2013-10-18 00:26:39Nombre: bryan Dair perez montoya

    good night, i have bought a ticket Berlin to Praga, my bank send me the message with the transaction but in my email I did not find the ticket, i put two email \„fuji_bryan@hot­mail.com\“ and \„cesar.ochoa@nov­.com\“ for the paypal profile the owner of last email is the owner of the credit card.please can you send me this confirmation, i will be attentive to the answer.\r\nthanks


    • Fecha / hora: 2013-10-18 20:53:19Nombre: Pavla

      Dear customer, thank you for booking through us. We received the order from you. And sent you your electronic ticket n. 6322972242 to your address. If you cannot see it double-check your spam folder, and write us again. Kind regards Pavla
