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Home :: Sconti per gruppi :: Information
  • Data / ora: 2013-11-26 20:57:14Nome: Angeles

    We are a group of 16 and would like to go from Budapest to Prague on Decemeber 12th. Would like to know how long does it take to arrive to Prague, if we can make it in one day and how mucho does it cost per person.


    • Data / ora: 2013-11-26 21:32:33Nome: Pavla

      Dear Angeles, thank you for contacting us. Do you want to travel by train? Overnight train or a day train, please? Thank you. Pavlina


      • Data / ora: 2013-11-26 21:39:43Nome: Angeles

        We would like to go by bus if its possible, but we would like to know how long does it take to arrive from budapest to prague. If not, a day train if its possible


        • Data / ora: 2013-11-27 16:15:22Nome: Pavla

          Dear customer, thank you for the information. Unfortunately the group discount is not valid for this bus line. The bus tickets are still less expensive that the train tickets. Here is the schedule for 12/12. Kind regards Pavla
