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Accueil :: Lignes de bus :: Arrêts de bus :: Flughafen Wien Schwechat (Airport) :: Book a ticket
  • Date / heure: 2018-03-28 22:41:26Nom: Janeth


    I would like to book a ticket for this thursday 29.03 at 15:30 From Vienna airport to Brno.

    Is it possible to pay to the bus-driver before getting into the Bus? Bye, Jan


    • Date / heure: 2018-03-29 12:12:30Nom: Pavla Janoušková

      Dear Janeth, thank you for the comment. Unfortunatly at 15:30, I do not see any free seats to Brno. The bus seems sold out. If there is no last minute cancellation, you will probably have to travel by train. Kind regards Pavla
