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Start :: Öffentlicher Verkehr in Prag :: Busse :: Prag Linienbus 119: Fahrplan :: Pprtemonaie lost
  • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2018-09-20 23:42:46Name: Melanie Gusowski

    Hello, I lost my Portemonnaie or it was stolen. I drove with the Bus 119 from the Airport, then i changed to the Metro. I stad in Duo Hotel Prag.


    • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2018-09-21 16:47:26Name: Pavla Janoušková

      Hello. We are sorry to hear about it. Kindly contact directly the Prague public transit company: http://www.dpp­.cz/…d-questions/. We are a private travel agency.

      Kind regards Pavla
