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Home :: Refund
  • Date / time: 2019-03-11 08:39:17Name: Arisa


    The train to Cesky krumlov bas been cancelled and i tried to get a refund throught the cd.cz website but it did not work. It said that my email addresses are incorrect so i am wondering what should i do?

    My ticket is 1st class ticket so i am quite sure and expected to get a refund. Order number (ID): 420947951880390

    Thank you Arisa


    • Date / time: 2019-03-11 09:51:25Name: Nadya Jerosenkova


      thank you for contacting us and I am sorry for the inconvenience. Please, could you check your inbox, includes spam, we already sent you all information directly to your email.

      Best regards
