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Home :: Additional payment for e-tickets
  • Date / time: 2019-05-28 18:34:18Name: Pavel and Ludmila Bespalko

    Dear Nadia, we choose the option 1 and I made additional payment of $60 like you suggested. Please let me know. Thanks. Ludmila


    • Date / time: 2019-05-29 07:22:06Name: Nadya Jerosenkova


      thank you for the reply and payment. Your order has been processed and e-tickets were sent to your email.

      Best regards


      • Date / time: 2019-05-29 13:24:04Name: Pavel and Ludmila Bespalko

        Dear Nadya, thank you for the tickets. I printed them out and we have 7 pages, 4 from Praque to Budapest and 3 from Budapest to Praque. We have one paper for 6 EUR made to Pavel Bespalko and to Ludmila Bespalko we do not have. Is it OK or we are missing one? Thanks for your help


        • Date / time: 2019-05-31 11:41:39Name: Nadya Jerosenkova


          thank you for contacting us.

          You have: 1–2 pagers e-tickets from Prague to Budapest per passenger, 3–4 a seat reservation from Prague to Budapest per passenger, 5–6 – e-tickets from Budapest to Prague per pax, and the last page is a seat reservation for 2 passengers for the way back – this reservation show only one passenger name but valid for two passengers only in this case you will travel (sit) together on the train.

          Best regards
