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Home :: Czech spas :: Mariánské Lázně :: Sightseeing in Mariánské Lázně

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Mineral springs and colonnades

The top attraction of the town are its about 100 mineral springs (53 of them are tapped) with high carbon dioxide content and often also higher iron content, both in the town itself and its surroundings. Most of them are orderly kept and often pavilions and/or colonnades are built around them. The most notable ones are:

Křížový pramen (Cross Spring)
- is the most famous spring of Mariánské lázně. A monumental pavilion with a copula bearing a patriarchal cross and 72 Ionic columns was built over the spring in 1818–1826. Today's concrete building is a copy from 1911–1912, originally it was a light wooden and brick construction. The water from the spring is high-mineralized with a strong laxative effect, it has been used for both curative drinks and baths.

Rudolfův pramen (Rudolph's Spring)
- with a wooden pavilion built over the spring, some water is tapped and piped to the nearby colonnade and some is bottled. Its water is low-mineralized with high calcium content and has been used to cure urinal problems.

Karolinin pramen (Caroline's Sprin­g)
- named after the wife of the Emperor Franz I., Caroline Augusta. The nearby colonnade was built in 1869, the pavilion is a reconstruction from 1989. The water is low-mineralized, with higher magnesium content.

Ferdinandův pramen (Ferdinand's Sprin­g)
- the water from the spring, similar in composition to Křížový pramen, is bottled under the Excelsior label.

Ambrožovy prameny (Ambrose's Sprin­gs)

Lesní pramen (Forest Spring)

Zpívající fontána (Singing Fountain)

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Last update: 2024-05-04