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Start :: Buslinien :: Alle Busverbindungen :: Prag ⇔ Mannheim :: Transport me and my bike
  • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2014-03-10 20:43:15Name: Steffen Weber

    Dear transport team,\r\n\r\nI looking for a bus transport on the 4.May 2014 from Praha to Mannheim(Ger) I´m with my bike, could i reservate a seat per E-mail?Are there any regulations for the bike transport?\r\n\r\nkind regards\r\nSteffen


    • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2014-03-11 13:59:03Name: Lucie

      Dear Steffen,

      thank you for contacting us.

      I can book for you a ticket + reservation for the bicycle. The price is 39 + 6 EUR.

      Bicycle need to be packed to avoid damaging other baggage and dismantled.

      Please write me on email: lucie@czech-transport.com, I need to know your name, email, and phone number and I will make a reservation for you. After the payment you will receive ticket on your email.

      Kind regards


      • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2014-03-11 14:36:04Name: steffen


        Name: Steffen Weber e-mail: happyhourhilde­@web.de phone: 0151 23684942 also for whatsapp

        please send me the payment details on my e-mail.

        thanks for everything
