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Accueil :: Lignes de bus :: Arrêts de bus :: Wien, Busterminal Stadioncenter, Engerthstrasse :: Best way from Citi Hotel Tabor
  • Date / heure: 2014-07-20 00:40:47Nom: vladimir

    Hi,\r\nI need take bus to Prague from Taborstraße 25, 1020 Wien, Austria, Citi Tabor Hotel. How I can go to bus station from hotel by other transport that Taxi and if not what\'t taxi cost from Tabor totel tu bus stop on Engerthstraße 242, 1020 Wien, Austria, Thank you


    • Date / heure: 2014-07-21 16:18:28Nom: Tomas Joska

      Hello! Unfortunatelly we don't know this information. Ask at the front desk of your hotel. Thank you!
