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Accueil :: Lignes de bus :: Prague ⇔ Salzbourg :: Voyage
  • Date / heure: 2015-02-24 21:42:25Nom: CATE

    Hi, I would like to travel from Prague to Bad Goisern, Austria. Please tell me the modalities as I am a tourist. We are 3. Adult +2kids. How long is the journey? Thanks in advance.


    • Date / heure: 2015-02-24 22:10:49Nom: Pavla

      Hello Cate, thank you for the message. There is a connection to Bad Goisern. It would take 9–12 hours. No direct train, you would have to change trains in Linz. I would need more information (day travel or overight tran? date?) in order to give you a price. Pavla
