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Home :: Buses :: Bus stops :: Wrocław Dworzec Główny

Bus stop Wrocław Główny Dworzec: Wrocław main bus terminal

  • This stop is a part of the station: Wrocław Główny (Wrocław railway station)
  • Address: Sucha 1/11, Wroclaw, Poland
  • Coordinates (GPS): 51.096575, 17.033901
  • Bus companies that are using this stop: Deutsche Bahn AG, SVD Trans, Deutsche Bahn AG (OLT), Flixbus

The bus station is located in a building of shopping centre called Wroclavia. It occupies –2 underground floor. The platform numbers are announced on the departure screens.

It is close to the main train station. See the plan below.

Wroclaw Glowny (Dworzec autobusowy Sucha 1-11)

Wroclaw Glowny (Dworzec autobusowy Sucha 1–11) – plan

Wrocław main bus terminal on map

Bus routes from this city: Wroclaw

Popular routes

Links: accommodation

Hotels in Wroclaw (Booking.com)


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Last update: 2025-02-13