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Accueil :: Trains :: Trains en Europe :: Vienne → Ljubljana :: Interrail
  • Date / heure: 2015-05-24 12:40:52Nom: Leslie

    I am a french girl who want to travel in Europa this summer with a friend. I woulk like to know if we can take a night train from Vienna to Ljubljana with our interrail pass the 19th of August ? If that's correct when could we reserve the train and how much must we pay with the interrail pass ? Thank you for your answer.


    • Date / heure: 2015-05-25 16:34:00Nom: Pavla

      Helo, the reservations on this train is not obligatory. You should be able to travel only with the pass – if the pass covers the countries where the train runs. Kind regards Pavla
