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Inicio :: Trenes :: Trenes nocturnos :: Tren nocturno Praga - Budapest :: tiket for night tren
  • Fecha / hora: 2016-02-10 22:18:45Nombre: Maria

    We would like to buy 2 train tikets, from Praga to Budapest; on the Metropol 2, at night, for april/18 at 23:58. We are 2 adl 72 & 65, and we would like the standart cabin for 2 people. Please, let me know if we can pay with an argentinian credit card; and you can issue the tikets and send it to us by e-mail. Also we will need 2 other tikets for April 21 in the morning around 9 from Budapest to Viena. Thanks.


    • Fecha / hora: 2016-02-11 11:50:53Nombre: Pavla

      Dear Maria, thank you for contacting us. You can pay by card (Argentinian). We offer only paper tickets with delivery (e.g. to your hotel in Prague) for this train, no e-tickets. The booking opens 60 days in advance. Kind regards Pavla
