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Главная :: Поезда :: Европейские поезда :: Вена → Киев :: ticket not issued yet
  • Дата / время: 2023-03-29 05:25:18Имя: Vira Krylova

    I have a question in connection with the order 53446. I bought a ticket for EUR127. Electronic ticket has not yet been sent to me and I received an email saying that the train could not be reserved at the moment and sales had not yet started. I am not sure I understand what it means. Does it mean that the ticket type I paid for is not available in train? Appreciate your response and clarification. Best regards, Anna


    • Дата / время: 2023-03-29 07:55:48Имя: Nadya Jerosenkova

      Dear Ms. Vira,

      thank you for contacting us.

      All information we already sent to your email incl. the code for printing.

      As we informed you in advance the order was processed on 29.3.

      Please just check your phone and email address

      Best regards
