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Inicio :: Transporte en Praga :: Billetes :: Public transport
  • Fecha / hora: 2024-03-20 11:07:12Nombre: Dayana

    Good morning dear, I wonder how the public transport works for a person who is 70 years old. We are planning to visit Prague the next days and want to buy a ticket for 3 days. Since we are from a country which does not belong to UE we wonder if we can get any discount. We read that a person who is over 65 years old does no need to buy a ticket but we want to know if it applies to everyone or it's just for UE residents.

    Thanks in advance for your kindly help.

    Best regards


    • Fecha / hora: 2024-03-20 11:41:18Nombre: Ivanna Novotna

      Hello. It applies to everyone.
