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Главная :: Поезда :: Европейские поезда :: Богумин → Катовице :: Bohumin-Katowice Bus
  • Дата / время: 2016-05-19 12:09:36Имя: Yuliya Dolgalova

    Hello! I am thinking to order tickets from Prague to Bohumin, and then from Bohumin to Katowice. I have a question. What if the train is late.. Will the bus wait for me on the station? The time to change the transport is only 4 minutes, and I am afraid that I can miss the bus!

    Thank you for your answer. Yuliya


    • Дата / время: 2016-05-20 10:19:04Имя: Nadya Jerosenkova


      thank you for contacting us. Train and bus provide the same company, so if you take the train delays, the bus will wait for the train.

      Best regards
