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Inicio :: Trenes :: Trenes nocturnos :: Tren nocturno Praga - Viena :: Interrail
  • Fecha / hora: 2016-05-20 19:46:26Nombre: Juan

    Dear Mr or Ms, We are two guys using interrail, and we want to travel sice Prague to Viena. How we reserve a Night train? Do we have to pay something? Thank You fot your atenttion, Kind regards Juan.


    • Fecha / hora: 2016-05-20 20:45:12Nombre: Pavla Janoušková

      Hello. For the overnight train you should have a reservation. You can buy it at a train station. Or you can buy it through our booking form: https://czech-transport.com/in­dex.php?… Kind regards Pavla
