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Inicio :: Trenes :: Praga → Berlín :: name change
  • Fecha / hora: 2016-06-29 08:25:36Nombre: Luis Angel Mejias

    Hello, I bought a ticket for two passengers, travel to Vienna to Prague the next day July 14 at 11: 09h and another, also for two passengers for the day July 17 at 10: 27h. My problem is that for work reasons I can not go in my place and anger else. What I have to do to cambier the name of tickets ?.

    Thank you.


    • Fecha / hora: 2016-06-29 10:26:42Nombre: Pavla Janoušková

      Hello. Thank you for the message. Do you have an order ID (number)? If you have a paper ticket it is no problem. If you have a train e-ticket, change of name is not possible and you will have to buy a new ticket.

      Kind regards Pavla
