Do I have to buy ticket for my son who is 5 year old and daughter who is
less than 6 months old? I will be traveling from Brno to Budapest
Date / time: 2017-06-03 17:58:58
Name: Tomáš Joska
depends on what kind of transportation do you want to take. bus
or train?
best regards Tomas
Date / time: 2017-06-03 21:33:01
Name: Ashish
Date / time: 2017-06-05 15:01:07
Name: Pavla Janoušková
Hello. Thank you for the reply. You do not need tickets for the children on
the train. But they would have to be on your lap. It may be wiser to buy at
least one ticket for the boy. If you write a note about the children after
making the order, we will try to put you into a suitable wagon. Kind
regards Pavla
Do I have to buy ticket for my son who is 5 year old and daughter who is less than 6 months old? I will be traveling from Brno to Budapest
depends on what kind of transportation do you want to take. bus or train?
best regards Tomas
Hello. Thank you for the reply. You do not need tickets for the children on the train. But they would have to be on your lap. It may be wiser to buy at least one ticket for the boy. If you write a note about the children after making the order, we will try to put you into a suitable wagon. Kind regards Pavla