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Start :: Züge :: Europäische Züge :: Prag → Zürich :: bicycle transport
  • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2017-07-03 22:27:11Name: Gerber Christoph

    Is it possible to transport my bicycle on the night train from Prag to Zurich? (leaving Prag at 18.02h)


    • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2017-07-04 09:02:04Name: Pavla Janoušková

      Hello. The overnight train appears between trains where it is possible to transport bicycles. In this case, you can have a seat and the bicycle will be in the same wagon. The manipulation and guarding of the bicycle are the passenger's res­ponsibility. We could provide you with the tickets for you and your bicycle if you give us more travel details. Kind regards Pavla
