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Home :: Train from Prague to Pardubice
  • Date / time: 2017-10-24 21:34:35Name: Joana Gomes

    Hello, I'm a portuguese student doing ERASMUS in Pardubice. Next week, my mom is coming to visit and she arrives in Prague Airport at midnight on 1st of November. How can she came to Pardubice? Are there any trains that pass through here ou something like that?

    Thank you, Joana Gomes


    • Date / time: 2017-10-25 11:11:05Name: Pavla Janoušková

      Hello. Thank you for contacting us. The first train to Pardubice goes before 5 am from the main train station. There is night public transport (official website) Or she can order a taxi (37 EUR)

      Kind regards Pavla
