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Inicio :: Autobuses :: Praga ⇔ Budapest :: About buy ticket directly in bus
  • Fecha / hora: 2011-10-10 00:02:28Nombre: Jose

    I'd like to know if is possible to buy the ticket directly in bus for tomorrow morning at 6.30 hours from Prague to Budapest

    thanks in advance


    • Fecha / hora: 2011-10-10 00:16:54Nombre: ivana

      If there are seats then yes.


      • Fecha / hora: 2011-10-10 00:29:50Nombre: Jose

        Thanks for your response, but you know if there are seats free yet, because I try to buy in web but is not possible.


        • Fecha / hora: 2011-10-10 00:47:54Nombre: ivana

          Hi Jose, unfortunately 6.30 connection is fully booked. There few spots left in 15.00 bus.


          • Fecha / hora: 2011-10-10 00:58:23Nombre: Jose

            I'd like to travel at 6.30 connection but if it's fully booked, I have to buy a ticket at 15.00 connection. Could you tell how can I do that?

            and another cuestion, Firstly I was thinking travel to Vienna and I bought a ticket from Prague to Wien for 10th octuber at 10.30 connection (ticket number: 3845195123), but this afternoon change my mind and then I prefer go to Budapest, Do you know if it's possible change the ticket paying the difference, and maybe any penalty?

            Above all, I'm interested to know if it completly impossible buy a ticket at 6.30 connection

            too many cuestions, sorry
