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Inicio :: Trenes :: Praga → Budapest :: dinero
  • Fecha / hora: 2018-01-11 10:37:15Nombre: Findeku

    Hello, we are a group of 9 people and we would like to know how much would the ticket cost to us from Prague to Budapest. We would like to travel at night. We have seen that there's a train from 23:57 (in Prague) to 08:35 (in Budapest). Yours sincerely, Findeku


    • Fecha / hora: 2018-01-11 14:15:04Nombre: Ivanna Novotna

      Hi. If selecting a shared compartment for 9 pax, the total cost for 9 people + 9 beds is €594. You can do the booking directly on our website.


    • Fecha / hora: 2018-01-11 14:14:34Nombre: Ivanna Novotna

      Hi. If selecting a shared compartment for 9 pax, the total cost for 9 people + 9 beds is €594. You can do the booking directly on our website.
