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Home :: Trains :: Cancellation of my tickets
  • Date / time: 2018-07-26 13:28:45Name: Maxime


    I would like to cancel my tickets.

    Order number (ID): 497756181089202.

    I would like to get a 90% refund, as mentioned on the website.

    I can send back the ticket if it helps.

    Thank you in advance,

    Regards, Maxime


    • Date / time: 2018-07-26 14:48:48Name: Pavla Janoušková

      Dear Maxime, thank you for the message. 90% refund is available only for orders which are not yet printed. You order was printed and delivered to you. To your order, the standard cancellation terms apply: https://czech-transport.com/in­dex.php?…. The tickets can be cancelled with a refund if you deliver them to our office in Prague 3 days before the departure at the latest.

      Kind regards Pavla
