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Start :: Sonstige Veranstaltungen :: Musik- und Tanzfestivals :: Musikfestival Mahler's Jihlava

Musikfestival Mahler – Music of Thousands 2015


Internationales Musikfestival Mahler's Jihlava

Datum: TBD, 2015

Ort: Jihlava (map)

The international music festival combines the works of the renowned composer with places where he spent his childhood and youth. A month long music festival in his honour, held each year on the anniversary of the great composer's death. The best of the best classical musicians from across the country will come to Jihlava to pay homage to Gustav Mahler with rousing renditions of his famous works.

The concerts take place mainly in the Jihlava Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the hall of the House of Culture. Part of the program takes place in the town of Kaliště (Kalischt) where Mahler was born. The program includes a cycling trip from Kaliště to Jihlava and the showing of documentary films on the subject of Mahler.

For more information visit the official website

You can buy tickets here

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Last update: 2024-04-20