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Our services

Online tickets
Book & Buy bus and train tickets or e-tickets to selected destinations (Amsterdam, Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Dresden, Krakow, Munich, Prague, Vienna, Warsaw and others).

Prague airport taxi
Transfers from/to airport, railway and bus stations.

Transfers from/to Prague
Private taxi between Prague or Czech towns to neighborhood European cities.

Bus rental
For bigger groups we offer the bus rental (in Bratislava, Dresden, Vienna, Prague and all Czech Republic). Write us for quote.

Hotels and hostels
Accommodation in several Czech cities and towns.

Guided tours
Book a variety of guided tours in and outside Prague (Český Krumlov, Kutná Hora, Dresden, Vienna and others).

Information resources

Prague transport
Find more about Prague public transport: metro, trams, buses and a lot more.

Czech trains
Information about the Czech railway network: connections, schedules, tickets.

Czech towns, Czech castles, Czech spas
History, information and tourism in major Czech towns, spas and castles.


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Last update: 2025-02-05