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Home :: Brno to vienna
  • Date / time: 2020-10-23 14:51:34Name: Marika

    Goodafternoon We would like to travel from Brno to Vienna on 1st of November at 1:00am by private transfer We are 3 people Is this possible or is there any restriction Thank you


    • Date / time: 2020-10-23 17:03:53Name: Nadya Jerosenkova


      thank you for contacting us.

      Until now there are no restrictions for traveling to Wien from Brno.

      The price for a private transfer for three passengers will be 109 EUR if you take a small car or by minivan with the price of 158 EUR for a one-way transfer.

      Which option you will prefer?

      With the pick-up time, there is no problem too :)

      If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact us again by email ( info@czech-transport.com) or by whats up +420608773761

      Best regards
