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Start :: Buslinien :: Alle Busverbindungen :: Prag ⇔ Kattowitz :: How to buy a ticket
  • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2015-11-07 14:23:22Name: Agata

    Hello! I wanted to go from Prague to Katowice (on 8th November, 5:48 am). Is there any other way to buy the ticket apart from paying with a Credit card (which I don't have)? Can I buy it in the bus/bus station? Kind regards


    • Datum / Uhrzeit: 2015-11-09 11:11:38Name: Pavla

      Hello. Thank you for contacting us. You can buy the tickets from us by credit/debit card or from the carrier TurboTiger online. The tickets are not sold at station. Kind regards Pavla
