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Inicio :: Trenes :: Praga → Cracovia :: Dogs
  • Fecha / hora: 2022-09-18 10:21:09Nombre: Gosia

    Are dogs allowed on trains. I am intrested in conection beetwen Dresede -Praga and Praga-cracovia. How can I travel those routes with a middle size dog but too big to put into the cage. Do dogs need ticket? How can I buy a ticket for a dog online?

    Thank you


    • Fecha / hora: 2022-09-18 17:54:16Nombre: Nadya Jerosenkova


      thank you for contacting us.

      If you will travel in the 2nd class wagon then you will be able to take your dog with you.

      Train e-tickets for dogs you will be able to book online through our website. Just please book divided firstly for you and then for a dog.

      Please book the tickets here

      If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact us again.

      Best regards
