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Accueil :: Trains :: Trains en Europe :: Bratislava → Budapest :: bike
  • Date / heure: 2018-07-24 21:29:02Nom: florent wascowiski


    is this possible to take any train with a bike ? Do we have to pay extra ? Is it free ?

    thank you


    • Date / heure: 2018-07-25 11:36:30Nom: Pavla Janoušková

      Hello. Thank you for contacting us. You can take the EC trains: https://czech-transport.com/in­dex.php?… You should make a reservation for the bicycle and pay a ticket for it. The price is 15 € per bicycle. You can do it before departure. But we recommend an advance booking because there is only a limited amount of places for bicyles. You cannot book it online on our website, we can make the booking by email for you. Kind regards Pavla
