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Home :: Buses :: Bus stops :: Bern, Car-Terminal Neufeld

Bus stop Bern, Car-Terminal Neufeld: Bern, Car-Terminal Neufeld

  • Address: Tiefenaustrasse, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
  • Coordinates (GPS): 46.96376, 7.43354
  • E-mail: bern-terminal@alsa-eggmann.ch
  • Bus companies that are using this stop: RegioJet, ČSAD Tišnov, s.r.o.

The stop is located at the Car-Terminal beside the parking house „Park+Ride Neufeld“. The public transport line 11 will take you to the city center in 7 minutes. On the walk from the public transport stop to the Car-Terminal Neufeld there are „Fussgänger Car-Terminal“ arrows/signs. In the parking house there are toilets, coffees and the city police station.

Buses: REGIOJET, CSAD Tisnov, Eurolines

bern 3.bern 2.bern 1.bern.

Bern, Car-Terminal Neufeld on map

Bus routes from this city: Bern

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Hotels in Bern (Booking.com)


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Last update: 2025-02-07