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The Prague metro (beside trams and buses) is the most used of the means of transport in Prague.
The whole underground network is divided into the three main lines, each represented by its own color:
There are 57 metro stations with 3 important transfer stations – Muzeum (red to green), Můstek (yellow to green) and Florenc (yellow to red). To get from one station to another takes about two minutes.
Download metro + tram plan (PDF, 700 kB)
For more information, call the Prague public transit company +420 296 191 817 (daily 7am – 9 pm) or write a query.
Alhough the stations are well signposted even for those unfamiliar with the language, in each station there is an information kiosk or a service providing help.
The Prague metro is an open ticket system – no turnstiles. Passengers are obliged to buy and validate a ticket before entering the metro platform. Now you can also buy tickets by SMS. There are uniformed ticket inspectors who have the right to check the validity of the ticket at any time inside the metro area.
Buy public transport tickets online
Buy public transport tickets by SMS
Prague Airport private transfers
FAQ – see frequently asked questions about train and bus tickets, taxi transfers and the public transport
Last update: 2025-02-01